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Hawbakers Big 3 Lure - 1 oz.
Hawbakers Big 3 Lure - 1 oz.
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Product Description
Hawbaker's Big 3 Lure was developed for use in water trapping of the mink, muskrat and raccoon. This lure is especially good for the trapper who has all three of these furbearers on the same stream. Every bottle is crammed full of native and high-priced imported musk. With these musks it is carefully blended with two high-priced essential oils which are attractive to these animals. In addition to the above ingredients, other secretions are carefully blended to make this one of the finest lures available, and one that the mink, muskrat and raccoon cannot resist. A special base is added to this lure to hold its odor and far-reaching calling power. Be sure to include a bottle of this with your order.
Item Code: HNT-37613

Hawbakers Big 3 Lure - 1 oz.

Retail price: $9.25
Availability: In Stock!

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